Patrick Watson - Big Bird in a Small Cage ( MUSIC )
Quoi! lovely Vintage, tu largues les amarres à nouveau!?
Je vois ta valise et même notre aimé... ton fameux loup poilu! WTF! Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ? T'en as ras le bol? Again!!?
Aaah... je comprend, tu veux tester le style camouflage avec une robe dans son milieu naturel, un grand champ de graminées!
Mais on te voit quand même, on voit même que toi! elle est orange cette robe..... et ton rouge à lèvre t'as trahi...
Et puis surtout, fais attention de pas manger une baie ou un fruit sauvage! n'est pas Heidi qui veut!
On sait comment ça finit cette histoire de retour aux sources, le pauvre gars hyper déterminé, n'y a pas survécu! merci Sean pour ce film qui m'a bien trauma !
Moi aussi j'ai mon p'tit livre du parfait chasseur cueilleur, eh ben là pas moyen veux pu!
En plus je vois qu'il fait nuit, à la fin on te voit plus du tout... cette fois!
Je dois dire qu'à la vue de ce spectacle d'une poésie infini, j'ai les yeux qui piquent...suis presque émue, vous m'avez cueillie.
Bon allez, rentres vas! c'est l'apéro, on t'attend!
Te jure! c'est pas facile de tenir les fleurs sauvages, un brin gypsy :)
Ici le sud, le soleil est sorti mais le fond de l'air caille a few... à vous Cognacq jay !
Bises les coquelicots! M-C a.k.a reine du point d'excla'!!!! :P
What! lovely Vintage , you break up with the ropes again?
I see your suitcase and even our beloved ... your famous hairy wolf! WTF! What's up doc? U've got enough, again!
Aaah ... I understand, you want to test the camouflage style with a dress in its natural environment, a large grassy field!
But we still can see u, by the matter of fact we only can see u ! it's this orange dress ..... and your lipstick you've betrayed ...
And above all, be careful not to eat a berry or wild fruit! Heidi is not just anyone!
We know how it ends the story of homecoming, the poor guy hyper determined, didn't survive! Sean thank you for this film which has trauma me!
I also have my little book of the perfect hunter gatherer, well, no way for me I rather give up!
In addition, I see that it's dark now, at the end we even can see you at all anymore !
I must say that the sight of this spectacle of endless poetry I have itchy eyes ...'m pretty excited, you picked me.
I see your suitcase and even our beloved ... your famous hairy wolf! WTF! What's up doc? U've got enough, again!
Aaah ... I understand, you want to test the camouflage style with a dress in its natural environment, a large grassy field!
But we still can see u, by the matter of fact we only can see u ! it's this orange dress ..... and your lipstick you've betrayed ...
And above all, be careful not to eat a berry or wild fruit! Heidi is not just anyone!
We know how it ends the story of homecoming, the poor guy hyper determined, didn't survive! Sean thank you for this film which has trauma me!
I also have my little book of the perfect hunter gatherer, well, no way for me I rather give up!
In addition, I see that it's dark now, at the end we even can see you at all anymore !
I must say that the sight of this spectacle of endless poetry I have itchy eyes ...'m pretty excited, you picked me.
Well go, bring in go! It's the happy hour, we wait u for toast!
Swears you! It's not easy to hold the wild flowers, a gypsy twig :)
Here the South, the sun went out but the bottom of the air is still cold a few, to you Cognacq jay!
Kisses poppies! M-C a.k.a queen of the exclam' mark
Swears you! It's not easy to hold the wild flowers, a gypsy twig :)
Here the South, the sun went out but the bottom of the air is still cold a few, to you Cognacq jay!
Kisses poppies! M-C a.k.a queen of the exclam' mark
Stylisme: Lady Vintage
Modèle: Stef
Photos: Angelo Marino
Texte: Marie Charlotte C
J'adore ce mois de Mai. Je porte encore mes collants sous mon short, encore un col roulé la semaine dernière et pourtant je croise des filles en robes/nuisettes sandalettes ;))
RépondreSupprimerCette robe est superbe. Je ne mets que ce genre là en été aussi Août/Septembre ;))
I just adore the photos and this lovely dress!:)
RépondreSupprimerThank your so much for your sweet comment, i always like to read it :)
RépondreSupprimerYou look so good and vintage with that dress!!
Come back and tell me what do you think at;
love these pics, so atmospheric!
RépondreSupprimerthanks for your comment on my blog, I'm following you back :) kisses from the UK! XOXO
wow! these pics are just breathtaking! thanks for the comment and the visit btw! really like your blog! would love to collaborate! let me know! i'd really love to stay in touch! love & cheers, tones.
Nice dress! XX
RépondreSupprimergorgeous dress!
love your dress dear please check my blog new post is on and because of some problems i need to make new url adress for my blog so if you want to see my posts please unfollow my page and follow me again thank you so so much for understanding. <3 :*
RépondreSupprimerThank you the beauties!
RépondreSupprimerI really like your blog:) Very nice pictures!
RépondreSupprimerVery nice pictures!
RépondreSupprimerGreat photos!
RépondreSupprimerNice pics =D
Jolies photos! j'aime les chaussures
Vraiment cool cette tenue!
RépondreSupprimerCoup de coeur pour la robe^^
Great outfit and really lovely pics :)