Dans un cadre pareil, tout devient magique, l'envoutement est immédiat...
Presque une légende, tous ces écrits sur la reine manouche, la fabuleuse Cartacalha...pourtant s'il ferme les yeux les réminiscences de cette nuit le submergent à nouveau.
Dès le début, il ne voit qu'elle, ses yeux ambrés par le feu qui souligne les silhouettes et les roulottes.
Le temps est suspendu à sa respiration, ses gestes gracieux, elle n'a pas eu à l'inviter pour qu'il la suive dans sa retraite privée, ce qui se joue ce soir est de l'ordre de la destinée..
Elle est irréelle de beauté, presque une estampe dans son kimono de soie, ses plumes rendent l’hypnose encore plus intense.
Cette nuit aucun mot ni murmure ne sera prononcé, l'évidence de l'instant est d'une telle force, que seul l'astre du jour brisera le charme..tout redeviendra comme avant, si cela est encore possible....
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh le rêve est doux comme la vie lors de ces week-end en amoureux!
Un décor so cosy & warmy...et hop l'occas de s’accessoiriser au max et dépoussiérer le trintrin ronronnant est trop belle! Parce que la mode du kimono c'est rigolo hein mais il faut le sortir aussi!
Moi je dis VOUI! au parenthèse enchantée qui pourfende cette routine merci la roulotte!
Moi Jane toi Tarzan, ah non!mieux.... Moi belle esclave rebelle et surtout belle, toi sultan ténébreux... ou encore.....Ah oui!!! toi Dark vador moi Leïla........ah non c'est son père Irkkkkkkk j'débloque à bloc!!!:D M-C
1972 Twiggy (Style Book)
In the similar frame, everything becomes magic, the envoutement is immediate...
Almost a legend, all these papers on the queen gipsy, fabulous Cartacalha nevertheless if he closes eyes the recollections of this night submerge him again.
From the beginning, he only sees her, the amber eyes by the fire which underlines shadows and caravans.
The time is suspended from its breath, its graceful movements, she did not have to invite him so that he follows her in its private space, what takes place this evening is of the order of the fate..
She is unreal of beauty, almost a print in her silk kimono, her feathers return the even more intense hypnosis.
This night no word and no rustle will be pronounced, the obvious fact of moment is of such a strength, as only the day star will break the charm everything will become again as before, if it is still possible....
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh the dream is soft as the life during these romantic weekend!
A decoration so cosy and warmy and here is the oportunity to accessorize to the max and remove all the dust of our boring trintrin is too beautiful! Because the fashion of the kimono it is funky funny ok! but it is necessary to take it out also!
I say a big YES! In enchanted episode which assails this good old boring way of life thank you the caravan!
Almost a legend, all these papers on the queen gipsy, fabulous Cartacalha nevertheless if he closes eyes the recollections of this night submerge him again.
From the beginning, he only sees her, the amber eyes by the fire which underlines shadows and caravans.
The time is suspended from its breath, its graceful movements, she did not have to invite him so that he follows her in its private space, what takes place this evening is of the order of the fate..
She is unreal of beauty, almost a print in her silk kimono, her feathers return the even more intense hypnosis.
This night no word and no rustle will be pronounced, the obvious fact of moment is of such a strength, as only the day star will break the charm everything will become again as before, if it is still possible....
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh the dream is soft as the life during these romantic weekend!
A decoration so cosy and warmy and here is the oportunity to accessorize to the max and remove all the dust of our boring trintrin is too beautiful! Because the fashion of the kimono it is funky funny ok! but it is necessary to take it out also!
I say a big YES! In enchanted episode which assails this good old boring way of life thank you the caravan!
OMG! I Jane you Tarzan, oh not! Better.... I beautiful rebel and especially beautiful slave, you dark sultan or still..... Oh yes!!! You Dark vador I Leïla in ........ ooooooooooh not it is her father Irkkkkkkk ok! let's say I'm hysterical but it's good isn't it !!!
:D M-C
Modèle: Stef
Photos: Angelo Marino
Texte: Marie Charlotte C